Product Description
The Game of Life Board Game
Ages 8 and up
In The Game of Life game players can make their own exciting choices as they move through the twists and turns of life. Move the car token around the gameboard from Start to Retirement, and experience unexpected surprises related to family, career, dream vacations, and other milestones of life.
Once everyone reaches the end of the game at retirement, everyone pays their debts and adds up their wealth. The player with the most money at the end of the game wins!
The Game of Life game is full of surprises
Choose a path regarding family, career, adventure, and vacation
A player could pick the ski trip card and collect lots of money from the bank, or get the card saying that their flight was canceled at the last minute, resulting in a payment right back to the bank.
Spin the wheel and spend money wisely while experiencing the ups and downs of vacations ranging from an exciting safari to a rained-out day at the beach.