Product Description
From Introduction: ...Although getting older seems to be hard-wired into human beings, growing up is a choice. You can be immature, as we say, forever. You just have to be knowledgeable. With that as your guide, we release you to browse through the rest of this volume. Please note that it is the second volume. The first volume is similar except it's red and contains more of the same, just different. Its best-selling popularity, by the way, is what inspired this work. Many of its readers have written to us saying things like "I used to act my age. But now, thanks to what I've learned from you, that's no longer my problem."
Publisher:ᅠKlutz (September 1, 2009) Language:ᅠEnglish Product Dimensions:ᅠ1.3 x 7.8 x 9 inches