Product Description
We know ラ モdiaryヤ sounds like it has a cute little lock and maybe a kitten on the cover, with pages to be filled with the sensitive writing of a tender soul. Yeahナ this diary is nothing like that. We bring you a wise-cracking collection of write-in-the-book activities immortalizing the triumphs of a smart-aleck youth. For the benefit of unauthorized snoops, it comes with a few fake, fill-in-the-blank, parent-praising journal entries. Other entries include the モWhat kind of fool am I?ヤ quiz and the モWhat will you barely grow up to be?ヤ fortune-teller. Throughout, directed activities share space with open-ended journal prompts. And donメt forget the handy pen that comes along with the book. Comes With: pen ユ Create wonderful things ユ Be good ユ Have fun